Registering you business in the cBiZ Digital Business Platform is very easy. You can register your new business by Following the steps below:
2. Click on the 'Start Free 30 Day Trial' , pick the Category e.g. Manufacturing, Wholesale & Retail and Frequency e.g. Monthly, Annually , of the package that best suits your business
3. Once you pick the package of your choice, click on 'Register & Subscribe' to register your business based on the package
4. Registering a business in cBiZ involves three (3) steps; Business Details, Tax details, and Owner details
5. Business Details: Fill out the relevant fields; Your legal Business Name, Company Start date, Currency, Time zone relevant contact numbers, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Landmark and click on Next.
6. Tax Details: Fill out at least one Tax Number e.g. KRA PIN Number (Kenya), fill the start of the Financial Year, Stock Accounting Option [First in First Out (FIFO), Last in First Out [LIFO], Weighted Average Cost [WAC]. Once you fill in all the details, click on Next.
7. Owner / Admin Details: Create the Business Admin User/ Owner who will have all the privileges to the business account. Enter a memorable Username & Password that will be used to login so make sure you remember them.
8. Make Sure you Read and Accept the Terms & Conditions by checking the T&C checkbox and lastly click on the 'Register' button to create the account. You should now be able login to your account and set up your Business